
Posts Tagged ‘apple’


Apple Muffins
Preheat oven to 400F

Grate 1 1/2 c. apples with their juice (I guesstimated and used two Fuji apples)
Stir in 3/4 c. sugar (I used demerara) and 2 large eggs, let sit for 10 minutes

In a separate bowl combine:
1 1/2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda (I didn’t have any, but the muffins still turned out fine)
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cloves (next time I’d add more of these spices, or possibly ginger/nutmeg/etc)

Melt 5 tbsp. butter and add to apple mixture, then fold in the flour mixture, do not overmix!
Distribute batter in muffin tin (line with paper)
Bake for 14-16 minutes (mine were just done at 15 min)

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Front of House


This is our house!

Before planting anything I have to check with the HoA to see if there are restrictions (no blue flowers!! etc) and see what will still be growable if I start planting in June, which is not an ideal gardening time. Can’t put in bulbs until the fall methinks. In the meantime, my current vision for the front includes forget me nots, pansies, or other low-lying flowers bordering the sidewalk/driveway. I need to see what the plantings from the builder look like in full spring, there’s some greenery along the front, but I am really not sure what else is planted. To the left of the house you can see the walkway to the front entrance, I’d like to plant something that grows taller there, peonies, hydrangeas or strawberry crush roses are my first choices. I want something beautiful and fragrant.

Our current apartment is bordered by apple and cherry trees which have just started to bloom, walking up to the door is wonderful this time of year and it is what I will miss most about our apartment (possibly the only thing I will miss about our apartment) 🙂



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